Worthing Beekeepers

Worthing Beekeepers Association belong to an Area Association that is affiliated to the BBKA.


Our members are based in the area around Worthing, West Sussex. From Shoreham by Sea and Southwick in the East to Bognor Regis in the West, Arundel, Steyning, Washington and Findon in the North. Our members range from beginners to beekeepers with 30+ years experience and have from 1 hive up to 40+.

We run members' evenings at The Glebelands Centre in Ferring in the winter where we have lectures from visiting beekeepers and other people who have expertise in subjects ranging from Honey Bee Health, Hive Products, the latest research and general beekeeping matters.

We hold our apiary meetings through the summer and hold bee safaries where we go to members apiaries to see different styles of beekeeping and hives. Every year we run a beginners course and mentoring, members are encouraged to take the BBKA Basic Assessment and Modules Exam and more experienced members can become Master Beekeepers. We have members that will help you all the way through this process if you would like them to.

If you would like any further information please contact us.

Contact Us

Interested in bees and honey?
Thursday 13th February

WBKA Monthly meeting,

The Glebelands Centre.

Andy Willis on ‘Swarming

Saturday 22nd February

West Sussex Beekeepers Annual Convention
at Lodge Hill, Pulbrough

Thursday 13th March

WBKA Monthly meeting,

The Glebelands Centre.

Friday 4th to
Sunday 6th April

BBKA Spring Convention, Harper Adams

Thursday 10th April

WBKA Monthly meeting,

The Glebelands Centre.


Saturday 26th April

WSBKA Annual Bee Market & Auction,
Chichester College's Brinsbury Campus,


For the beginner, or indeed any beekeeper, there are many advantages to be gained from joining your local Beekeepers’ Association. Between May and August Worthing Beekeepers meet at approximately fortnightly intervals, to watch or take part in practical demonstrations at their Club Out Apiary, or at the Apiaries of many of our members. These demonstrations cover most aspects of beekeeping for both beginners and the more experienced.