Beginners Course 2025

New Beginners 2025

Join Worthing Beekeepers’ Beginners’ Course

The course aims to provide an introduction to the basic knowledge that you will need to set up and manage a hive safely.

Venue: Glebelands Greystoke Road, Ferring BN12 5JL. Time 7.45 -9.45pm

Dates: Thursday 20th March, Thursday 27th March, Thursday 3rd April, Thursday 10th April Catch up if needed Thursday 24th April,

Our regular monthly meeting of Worthing Beekeepers will take place at the same venue, mid-course at 7.45pm on Thursday 17th April, which would be a great opportunity for you to meet fellow Beekeepers.

There is also a half day practical session at our club apiary. For which protective clothing can be provided if you need it. This will be on a Saturday at the end of the course, a date to be decided. It will take place whatever the weather.

After this date, you will have the opportunity to join the regular colony inspections at our club apiary, which take place regularly during the Bee season.

A fee £120 includes the course fee, full membership of the Worthing Beekeepers Association (from 1st October 2023– 30th September 2024) and the British Beekeepers Association, which is important for insurance purposes.

If you have already paid the full membership fee of £40.00 to Worthing Beekeepers’ the fee for the beginners’ course is £80.00

The course will be led by two very experienced club members who hold Advanced Theory Certificates and Intermediate Theory Certificates and have ……… many years of practical experience.


If you would like to enquire about the course please contact us at

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